8. 1 月 2025

January 2025 – Change of the management

Since the 1st of January 2025, the top management of KACO has been reorganized. Mr. Vincent Escat takes over the position of the CEO after Mr. Ongherth moves to the Supervisory Board of KACO after almost 4 years as CEO. The Management Board now consists of the CEO Mr. Vincent Escat, the COO Mr. Gernot-Alois Feiel and the CFO Ms. Yanfang Sun.

Mr. Escat has 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, has known KACO for many years and has previously managed our French sister company SOLYEM.

Vincent Escat, CEO of KACO

KACO GmbH + Co KG, a subsidiary of the Zhongding Group, is one of the world’s leading developers and manufacturers of high-precision, application-oriented sealing solutions for the automotive and mechanical engineering industries. The company, which is based in Germany, is characterized by the highest sealing quality and innovative strength and stands for recognized development and manufacturing expertise. KACO has six plants in Germany, Austria, Hungary, China and the USA and delivers its products all over the world. As a close partner of the automotive industry and its suppliers, the company has been keeping pace with the high demands and technical changes in the industry for decades.

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KACO GmbH + Co. KG Dichtungstechnik

Daimlerstraße 5
74912 Kirchardt / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7266/9130-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7266/9130-1386


Industriestraße 19
74912 Kirchardt / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7266/9130-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7266/9130-1386

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KACO Anhui Sealing Systems Co., Ltd.

No. 9 Yangshan Road
Economic & Technical Development Zone –
Nanshan Zone
Ningguo City
Anhui Province
Phone: +86-563-5290030
Fax: +86-563-529-0888

KACO (Wuxi) Sealing Systems Co., Ltd

No. 159 Huichang Road
Huishan Economic Development Zone
214174 Wuxi, Jiangsu
Tel.: +86 (0) 510/83621388


然后只需将您的请求写到以下电子邮件地址: sales-asia@kaco.de

然后只需将您的请求写到以下电子邮件地址: purchasing@kaco.de