For the technology of tomorrow
The consistent focus on the requirements of our customers motivates KACO to continuously search for optimised solutions. In doing so, we are not only guided by benchmarking, market analyses and goal-oriented discussions. Cooperation with customers and partners from industry and research also lead to development steps that open up essential processes for the future, driving the basis for groundbreaking innovations.
KACO has many years of experience with software simulations and elastomers. Tests show that the material data obtained from our simulations are highly consistent with results from field tests. To achieve this, KACO uses simulation methods such as FEM calculation to develop components. This data provides information on material behaviour, which is of direct use to us in the CAD system.

CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
KACO uses all available digital resources to develop the best products and processes for our customers. State-of-the-art virtual methods for design, product development and process development are key factors in achieving the highest performance and thus differentiating ourselves from the competition.
Prototype construction at KACO benefits from its special methods and principles, which have evolved from our many years of experience and have proven their worth. We started with injection moulding prototype production in 1986 and have continued to develop ever since.
As a subsidiary of the ZhongDing Group, KACO benefits from an extensive prototype shop in China. This enables us to offer short realisation times for ready-to-install prototypes which correspond to the performance level of series parts.

In our global test centres, we can carry out all release-relevant and function-securing tests. As standard, we offer tests according to international standards as well as individual customer specifications. New or unusual tests can be implemented at short notice thanks to our own test stand construction and toolmaking facilities.
Materials development
Individual sealing solutions are one of KACO’s core competencies. Our precision sealing systems are predominantly customised solutions that we design precisely according to the specific requirements and demands of the respective installation site and application. As an innovation driver, it is a matter of course for KACO to constantly implement new, trend-setting solutions that offer our customers measurable added value and reduce the burden on our environment.